Writing Pairs In Mystery & Suspense

Writing Pairs Mystery Suspense_NovelSuspectsSuspense novels are often at their best when they feature a lot of shocking twists and winding turns. The more complicated they are, the more satisfying it is to watch all of the puzzle pieces gradually slot into place. This makes them perfect for rereading, too: being able to pick out all of the clues you missed the first time is just as much fun as the initial surprise of discovery.

Because of their intricate nature, mystery books benefit more from having multiple authors than just about any other genre. With two writers on the job, you can count on twice the suspense, twice the danger, and twice the heart-pounding action. In some cases, you even get to see character interactions that could never have happened without the combined experience and expertise of two different people. Here are five mystery suspense titles that are all the better for being written by more than one author.


Eileen Gonzalez is a freelance writer from Connecticut. She has a Master’s degree in communications and years of experience writing about pop culture. She contributes to Book Riot and Foreword Reviews, and she occasionally tweets at @eileen2thestars.