Novel Suspects Insider’s Club

Winter 2025 Spotlight Titles
Featured Titles
Welcome, Insider
We want to work with engaged, genuinely enthusiastic mystery & thriller lovers. If you love sharing book reviews with your friends and social media followers and have an authentic love of the diverse sub-genres of mystery & thriller novels, we want you to be an Insider.
Getting Started
Fill out the Novel Suspects influencer form below. Once your application is approved, you will receive correspondence from the Novel Suspects team each month that will include information on how to request galleys and other exclusive content about our Insider’s Club featured authors. Please Note: Insider’s Club is currently only open to U.S. Residents. Galleys will be available for request four times a year and 1-3 months before their release date. Our review copies include titles in the following genres: horror, true crime, mystery, thriller. Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
How you decide to spotlight books is completely up to you. We understand that every book is not going to be for everyone. No worries if you tried a book and it didn’t work for you. (Reviews do not have to be positive for you to continue with our influencer program; your honest reviews help us to better understand you as a reader.) If you decide to publish content on your Insider’s Club galley, please tag us @novelsuspects and use the hashtag #NovelSuspectsInsiders.