The Highest-Rated Books in Preston & Child’s Pendergast Series

The Highest-Rated Books in Preston & Child's Pendergast SeriesIt’s not a coincidence that the names Preston & Child have the ring of a crime-fighting duo—this pair of authors have been writing crime and suspense books together for almost thirty years! Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child are the authors of the popular Pendergast series, a long-running police procedural starring the FBI agent Aloysius Pendergast. The first Pendergast book came out in 1995, and the twentieth, Bloodless, is coming out this summer.

If you’re looking for a new crime series to sink into, and you’re not sure where to start with Pendergast, this list will help you out. These novels are the highest-rated Pendergast books on Goodreads, and will give you a fantastic introduction to the world of Aloysius Pendergast. The series includes both standalone novels and mini-series, in which a longer plot arc unfolds over the course of several books. All the titles mentioned here are standalones unless otherwise specified.


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