Light Psychological Thrillers to Read in Quarantine

Confessions, Darling Rose Gold, Yesterday Book CoversI am a huge fan of psychological thrillers and being on the edge of my seat. But I prefer those books while I’m lazily lounging at the beach, relaxing. Not so much while the state of the world already has me in a 24/7 panic. However, my brain still craves the page-turner, what-is-happening mystery aspect of psychological thrillers. What to do? Being that we are currently in a pandemic, I’m looking for quarantine books, but not the kind that will give me a panic attack. Good news: I’ve found the sweet spot of light psychological thriller books. So you get the “what is happening?” mystery, the suspense, the psychological elements, and a page-turner to hold your attention away from *gestures wildly at all the world’s problems* but that (hopefully) won’t make you feel more anxious than you already do.


Jamie Canavés is a Book Riot contributing editor and Tailored Book Recommendations coordinator. She writes the Unusual Suspects mystery newsletter, never says no to chocolate or ‘80s nostalgia, and can hold a conversation using only gifs. Tweets: @Oh_Dinky.