Thriller Author Kathleen Kent Explores Genre-Bending Suspense

KathleenKentAuthorFeature'_Novel Suspects

My grandmother, an eighth-generation descendant of an accused Salem witch, used to say that there were no such things as witches, just ferocious women. In recent years the crime/thriller/mystery genres have been opened to the publication of intense and exciting novels written by some ferocious women wielding their own unique brand of literary magic.  Into this cauldron I love to add a good dose of horror, not necessarily the blood and gore kind, but the kind that gets beneath the skin, slowly, inexorably, until it’s too late to do anything but face the dark. Here are a few of my favorites. 

About the Author

Kathleen Kent is the author of the Edgar Award-nominated TheDime, as well as three bestselling historical novels: The Heretic’s Daughter, TheTraitor’sWife, and The Outcasts. Kent lives in Dallas, TX.