
By James Patterson

With Derek Nikitas

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Thanksgiving takes a dark turn in this supernatural thriller where going home for the holidays can be murder.

Joanie was dreading Thanksgiving with her family at their strange new house. And that was before she saw her brother Alan standing in the kitchen. It was hard to know what to say to him, seeing as he’d died five years ago . . .

Lightning-fast stories by James Patterson
  • Novels you can devour in a few hours
  • Impossible to stop reading
  • All original content from James Patterson


On Sale
Oct 3, 2017
Page Count
144 pages

James Patterson

About the Author

James Patterson is the most popular storyteller of our time. He is the creator of unforgettable characters and series, including Alex Cross, the Women’s Murder Club, Jane Effing Smith, and Maximum Ride, and of breathtaking true stories about the Kennedys, John Lennon, and Princess Diana, as well as our military heroes, police officers, and ER nurses. He has coauthored #1 bestselling novels with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton, told the story of his own life in James Patterson by James Patterson, and received an Edgar Award, ten Emmy Awards, the Literarian Award from the National Book Foundation, and the National Humanities Medal.

Learn more at jamespatterson.com

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